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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It begins.

I have been gearing up to write this first post for a little more than a week now. I have so much swimming around in my head I am not really sure where to start but I suppose the premise of this whole blog and journey is a good start.
A little over a week ago I was simply marking some dates on the calendar when I realized that my birthday is really close and not any birthday but my 30th birthday is really close September 8th to be exact. I was thinking, "God I have done so many things in thirty years"; moved over 13 times with my parents growing up, college, marriage, had a baby, gained +10 pounds afterwards, divorced, met the wrong guy (the really wrong guy), had another baby, gained weight, left really wrong guy, lost -10 pounds, got married, had baby number 3, gained weight, had baby number 4, gained weight and now here comes thirty. That was exhausting just typing it out. Whew!

So after seeing and going over failures, successes, trials, joys and such I realized one common thing that I have started and stopped more times than I can count. I have always been active with athletics or going hard core at the gym but it is always short lived. I am the prime example of all things yo-yo. So right now I am committing to this health and fitness thing for 30 days with no break, no stopping. This may seem like a short goal but to me its huge because I know what I can accomplish in just 30 days if I tried. So many years I have said "I will" after: vacation, school, baby, this weekend, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (I have never said I will on a Saturday or Sunday that is just crazy), when my new shoes come in the mail, after I find non bunching underwear, after I revamp my Ipod list. I could go on and on but it was always the same "I will" and then I never did and after awhile, like right now that is really hurting my psyche and second guessing my commitment and general strength. I look back and I think well "damn it" if I had just stuck to it I would already be at my goal and that is a really depressing thought while shoving my fupa in my yoga pants.

This blog and 30 day journey is my "I'm doing it", my middle finger to doubt and my commitment to myself after putting me on the back burner for quite a while now.

So here are the stats and GASP my starting body pics which I will be documenting week by week.
A note on the pictures. The bikini I am wearing I dug out of the dusty under belly of my swimsuit drawer. This particular bathing suit I distinctly remember buying kind of how you remember the birth of your kids, your first kiss, the smell of your first car. Okay, maybe not so dramatic but none the less it was a sticky memory if you will. I remember I bought it at Pacific Sunwear (which I shutter to think about going in now with my ass) with two close friends. I tried it on and came out and they all loved it and of course did the obligatory friend envy statements with "ooh" and "ahhs", it made me feel good, I looked good. I was confident. I wasn't hiding my belly when I sat down, refusing to be on top during sex, or searching through the closet to find flattering items. I want to get there again mainly because it IS attainable.

BMI- 25.5 Just slightly into overweight but its a slippery slope after this mark. BMI caculator 
Height- 5'7"
Weight- 163 pounds
L arm- 10.5"
R arm- 11"
Hips- 40"
Waist- 30"
Bust- 36.5"
L thigh- 22.5"
R thigh- 23"

I will keep posting. Please ask any questions you have and link up your blog.


  1. You can do it! I hope I can gain inspiration from your journey!

  2. Hi! I found yout blog through your comment over at Mama Laughlin's blog, and I think it is great you are committing yourself to a new lifestyle!! I'm right there with you, as I have also started a blog to keep track of my diet and weight-loss :) I think it is really brave to post pictures of yourself in a bikini (I haven't had the guts to do it, but perhaps after visiting your blog I might do it too!) So good luck and keep up the good work! You can find me over at:


I love to hear your thoughts or what has worked for you. Thanks for reading.