A few days ago while I was in
menstrual hell I got on the scale in vain hope that maybe the numbers would be different just maybe. Instead those damn numbers where higher than last time and I knew why but it really
broke me. I don't mean I was "Gosh darn lollipop" upset I was "Holy shit balls, I suck and
I'm going to burn my house down" kind of upset. It was an over reaction, if you will. I blame it on the lack of carbs and sugar for my irrational crying on the elliptical soon after. I felt like Charleston Heston in Planet of the Apes grabbing my belly fat with both hands and yelling
"Damn you, damn you to hell." I was upset, I was bummed that my meticulous counting calories, food scale using, exercising everyday, creative cooking ass was not losing well... any ass. The next morning I get out of bed and head to the bathroom get ready for the day, look at the scale and give it the bird and when I return my husband leans up on one arm in bed and says so sincerely "your body is really changing, it really is taking shape. I can see your curves". Now this may seem offensive at first but I knew what he meant and man did that feel good. I later went on to put on some jeans for my sons soccer game.

Yes, jeans in August because the Earth shifted and it was like 40 degrees out, anyways the things were loose and I mean I had to constantly pull them up loose. My thighs still rub but my muffin top is shrinking Thank THE LORD. I took pride in the fact that I was that embarrassing women you see, every time I bent over that day everyone saw my polka dot underwear. It meant I had lost something, not my dignity or self awareness for showing ass but a little fat around the middle and that is so much better than losing my mind on the scale for showing a number that cannot reflect my hard work paying off.
So what have I been eating:
Breakfast - I rotate through these
1 whole egg, 1 egg white black bean salsa omlette - 150 calories
Trader Joes Rolled oats 1 1/2 cup - 180 calories with 1 Tbls brown sugar
Lunch - Tuna with 1 Tbls Safflower mayo - 140 calories
Tom Yum soup with mushrooms - 2 cups 60calories
Sauteed veggies with coconut oil and hot peppers - 20 calories
Huge fruit bowl - 65 calories
Snacks - Air pop popcorn spritzed with my NEW
olive oil mister, sprinkled with Nutritional yeast and a little salt and vinegar -
3 cups 110 calories
Baked apples sprinkled with cinnamon - 130 calories
Baked Kale chips - 2 servings 25 calories ( I LOVE LOVE LOVE these)
Organic light cheese stick - 45 calories
Fruit - varies 20 to 50 calories
I will count out a serving of chocolate baking chips (don't judge me) - 70 calories
WATER, WATER, WATER. So many of those cravings go away with this.
Dinner - This is where I get most of my variety and never feel like I am going without. I simply choose a dish and
make it skinnier.
Hamburgers no bun, no mayo smaller portion
Tacos, made with chicken and no oil, no shell , light cheese
Pasta - portions, portions, portions
Soup - No cream based, no pasta
Grilled chicken
every vegetable under the sun
Lemon as a main dressing
Many more, maybe I'll make a post dedicated to a week in it.
What have I been doing for exercise:

Elliptical - a minimum of 40 minutes up to 60 minutes
Abs: legs lifts, pelvic lifts and crunches, maybe a
couple of planks if I feel especially sadistic.
Morning runs - 3 miles about 1/4 of that is walked.
I was reading a few articles this week and there seemed to be a reoccurring theme in most weight loss advice. This advice is simple but hard to swallow, at least for me.
Skinny is done in the kitchen not in the gym. UGH! Its much easier to work out and eat like shit than to restrict and never work out for me. I am taking this advice to heart and going to do a better job with staying strictly within my 1300 calorie diet and hope it truly works. I have my husbands 10 year medical school reunion this week and I want to rock out my
tight dress for the dinner/dancing thing on Saturday. Wish me luck.